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5 Steps to Younger Looking Skin

beautiful confidence health relationships skin younger Jul 02, 2018


Hello! We are the Foolish Couple. I am Andrew

And I am Minna. We are the founders of the Foco Academy and we mentor people like you to achieve true health and healthy relationships through nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle changes.

Summer is finally here! And for us here in California, it means 14 hours of sunshine. So this week, we are going to talk about the 5 things you need to do right now to get Younger Looking Skin.

Now before all the ‘Men’ switch out of this video thinking this blog is for women, you are so totally, absolutely wrong.


You may not believe it, but men have skin too. We all have a face and men need to take care of their skin just like women do.


The No 1 thing to looking younger is Skincare.

Skincare is not putting on makeup. In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is about taking care of your skin so that you look younger, more attractive and more confident.

When you take care of your skin properly, it will do a few things for you:

  1. You will realize that you won’t need to put as much makeup on your face, because your complexion will be better, you won’t have as many lines and wrinkles to cover up, and your skin just naturally glows.
  2. It saves you money in the long run. Proper skincare doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.


I have made a separate video here to show you our skincare and our routine and how we do our own facials


 Just by doing our own facials regularly, we have saved thousands of dollars a year and also many hours of our precious time.

When I turned 30 I did what most women did and that was to freak out over my age.


I looked at myself in the mirror and all of a sudden, I look like a 30 year old!


During that time our automotive business was doing very well, so we started experimenting with all different types of facials at a lot of different spas. When we travelled, we would also do facials at some of the upscale resorts and spas.

 At first I just kind of tagged along because business was doing well so we can actually take some time off and get pampered by other people. And it was a nice feeling. We’ve tried all different types of facials. The oxygen facial, the collagen infusion, the blueberry peel, micro dermabrasion, and many more that I don’t even remember anymore. There are a lot of gimmicks out there and really, not everything is good for your skin.

Those were the fun times. But as our businesses took a down turn and we had to stop doing all those luxurious spa facials, we didn’t actually stop taking care of our skin. But instead, we decided to follow a daily skin routine; we take care of our skin and we do facials ourselves, at home. And that actually saved us not only thousands of dollars but also saved us a lot of our valuable time. And doing facials with your loved one is actually a very nice way to relax, chill, talk openly and just enjoy each other’s company.


Our skincare routine is the same for both Minna and I, so it is simple enough for men to follow and effective enough to keep Minna looking young and healthy.


On a daily basis, it only takes 5 minutes in the morning, and 5 minutes at night. Once a week, we do our facial together, so that’s maybe half an hour to an hour. So you see, taking care of your face doesn’t have to take long, and it is very cost effective if you do it yourself.

I know some of you are calling me sissy right now. But men’s skincare is the latest trend across the globe and more and more men are realizing that skincare is not only for women. We all want to look good. No one, not even men, likes wrinkles and pimples on their face.

Did you know that your skin is actually the largest organ of your body?  We can always tell when you are not sleeping well, or not eating well, because it shows on your face. You can see the fine lines, pimples, flakiness, or oiliness on your face. Not eating healthy, not hydrating or sleeping well actually adds years to your face aging you prematurely.

Having nice skin gives you confidence, especially when you have to meet someone you don’t know or if you are giving presentations in front of a large audience. And it just generally makes you feel happier knowing you look your best.


So our skincare routine is fairly simple. Every morning after you woke up, and every night before you go to sleep, you start by cleansing your skin. Cleansing removes the dirt and oil and all the yukiness from your face. Use warm water and don’t make it too hot because if the water is too hot it actually causes inflammation. And then use a non-alcohol based toner to wipe the face, remove any residual dirt and you will instantly feel clean. After that, put on a little bit of eye cream, face serum, and then day cream or night cream and you are good to go. If you take showers in the morning, just put the cleanser in your shower and you can do it all at the same time.


And once a week, use a deep cleanser, exfoliate, and put on a sheet mask for 30 minutes or longer. After that, put on some toner, eye cream, serum and cream and voila! You are done. When we have our sheet masks on, we would lie in bed, put on some soft jazz and just talk, or sometimes we meditate. It is really the best time to relax and enjoy each other’s company.


And for those who don’t know us, at the time of this video recording, we are 48 years old, and I can confidently tell people how old we are because we know we look good for our age.

Now to properly take care of your skin, there are just a few more things that you should do in addition to proper skincare.


Step 2 to younger looking skin, is Sun Protection.


Summer is here. And here in California we have lots of sunshine and it makes us happy. And sun is important for our health because the sun helps our bodies generate vitamin D, which is essential for our bodies. But sun can also cause a lot of damage to our skin. And it is actually a catch 22.

Without any sun protection, our skin is fully exposed and we are at risk of sun damage and worse, maybe even skin cancer.

But there are a lot of sunscreen products on the market that is also toxic to our skin and can cause more damage than protection.


So there are actually 2 types of sunscreens:

Physical sunscreen, which is also called Sunblock, which contains natural minerals such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide to cover the surface of the skin to physically block or reflect broad spectrum UVA and UVB rays. Some sun blocks can be messy and leaves a white residue and it can also clog pores and requires excessive scrubbing to rub it off.

Chemical sunscreen, on the other hand, contains synthetic ingredients such as oxybenzone and octinoxate, which are absorbed into the skin to filter and absorb UV rays. It is supposed to protect our deeper layers of skin but, because it is absorbed into our skin, it can lead to skin irritation and other reactions. And the ingredients may generate cell-damaging free radicals when exposed to the sun which can damage us from inside out!


When choosing your Sunscreen, these are the 6 scary ingredients in sunscreen that you should totally avoid:

  1. Oxybenzone
  2. Octinoxate
  3. Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A Palmitate)
  4. Homosalate
  5. Octocrylene
  6. Paraben preservatives

*Source: Womens Health Magazine,

 For us, when we are at home we like to do yoga in our backyard with the warmth of the sun and the waterfall as our background. We also like to swim outside, but always wear something with safe SPF.

Our SPF comes from our day cream, which is SPF30. And there is an App that we find that is actually quite helpful. It is called “Healthy Living’ and is done by EWG. So look it up and use it as reference for recommendations.


If you intend to stay out in the sun for a long time, the easiest way is to protect yourself from the sun is to put on a hat, stay in the shade and also make sure you have safe SPF on.


Now let’s move on to Step 3. Water. H2O. Hydration.

Vitamin water is not water. Neither is coffee, tea, soda, and other sugary drinks. I’m talking about this clear liquid that is has no taste and no color.

We all need water. Water keeps us alive, and it also helps us detox. It is also really important that we drink enough water to keep our skin soft and supple.

The general rule used to be 8 glasses of water, these days there is a more simple and precise formula on how much water you should drink. Just divide your weight by 2, and that is the number of ounces of water that you should drink. For example, if you are 150 pounds, then you take 150, divide by 2 and you get 75. So you should drink 75 ounces of water every day. If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, you can be getting some of your water through them also. But I personal just try to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water myself, it is just easier to remember.

Water is good for your skin, helps with detoxification and restoration of your body, and good for your hair. So make sure you drink water throughout your day.


There is one more thing before we tell you about the magic pill.


Step 4, is make sure to get your beauty sleep.


You can always tell when someone is not sleeping well or is not getting enough sleep.

It shows up on their face as dark circles under the eyes, puffiness around the eyes and fine lines and wrinkles. Lack of sleep makes them look older than they are.

You don’t want to be one of those people right? You want to look young, vibrant, energetic, well rested right? Then make sure you sleep well. We all want to look 10-20 youngers than we are, at least when we reach our 40’s and beyond!


For the 5th step,  let’s talk about the Magic Pill.

We’ve been taking it for about 5 years now and it really is one hell of a pill. I’m talking about this proprietary hybrid pill.

It is Half bioflavonoid (meaning, grapeseed extract) and half vitamin C, 100% pure goodness. This pill is so full of antioxidants that it keeps us healthy and has relieved all my asthma symptoms!

And Vitamin C is also essential for our collagen production, which, you’d probably know, is how we keep those lines out of our faces and keeps our faces looking full! The powerful combination of these 2 ingredients keeps our immune system strong and protects our cells against damaging oxidative stress.


And that’s it! To Recap, the 5 steps are:

  1. Skin care routine
  2. Sun protection
  3. Hydrate
  4. Sleep
  5. Magic Pill

Here’s the link to the screencast on the products that we use along with our cleaning routines that keep us looking and feeling forever young.


 If you like this video, make sure you share this with your friends using the Facebook link below. And we’d love to see your comments as well. Just go ahead and leave us a quick note below so we know whether you like this blog or not.


Also, we are not just about skincare. Now that you know how to look younger, we want you to be able to have a younger body to match; that is full of energy and vibrancy.  

So we designed a free program called ‘Time for Health’ to help you get healthy.

Download this FREE Video training to learn five simple strategies to give you clarity to take back control of your health and live life on your terms. So make sure you sign up for it and get access to it.


Until next time, love what you live, and live what you love.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.