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Are aches and pains inevitable with age? (mythbuster!)

aging health mythbuster nutrition Sep 04, 2018

Welcome to Foolish Insights. We are the Foolish Couple, Andrew and Minna, nutrition coaches and success mentors. We created FoCo Academy to guide and mentor people to achieve true health and healthy relationships through nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle changes.


This time we are going to talk about some health myths.


Many years ago, when I was still in college, I spent one Summer in the hospital, not because I was sick, but because my grandfather was in the late stages of Alzheimer’s and since it was Summer holidays, I visited him everyday, fed him dinner, and talked to him. But every day as I walked into his hospital room, I would have to reintroduce myself to him again. Because he did not recognize who I was. So everyday, he treated me like a total stranger who was nice enough to go and spend some time with him. 


During that time I was under the impression that is what happens when people get old. And I’m sure many of you probably think the same way. When people get old, they start to lose their memory, their hearing, their vision, their teeth and their health.


But then I started to ask myself, just how old is considered old? Because I’ve seen really, really old people, people who are over 100 years of age, who are still active, still has a clear mind, who still swims everyday, walk for miles and hangs out with their friends and family. 


On the other side of the spectrum, I’m hearing my own friends and clients, who are in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, who are already complaining about how they are old and that their bodies are breaking down, that they have aches and pains all over their bodies, that they don’t sleep well at night, that their digestive systems are not functioning well and that their memory is deteriorating.


To us, this notion of being “OLD” seems to differ from person to person. It is not imminent. Your Chronological age may be high, but it doesn’t mean your biological age has to be old as well. What I mean is that you do not need to look and feel you age, In many cases you can look and feel many years younger than your actual age!


And to be honest, we get very annoyed when we hear people use their age as an excuse. Because age has nothing to do with their aches and pains. It is the years of neglect on their bodies and minds that is causing them all the aches and pains and memory loss. 


A 60 year old person has the same capacity to build muscle tone as a 30 year old person, but that’s only true if you keep building your lean muscle mass. 


The difference between a healthy person, and an unhealthy person, is really about their nutrition levels, their exercises, their sleep, and how well they cope with stress. We believe that getting older doesn’t have to mean looking and feeling older, and there are many people that can prove this over and over again. My own aunt, who is probably around 75 years old now, can still kick our butts in a game of tennis.


Also, even if you are already feeling like an old person, it doesn’t have to stay that way. We’ve seen a 70 year old woman who was hunchbacked and totally unhealthy pick up yoga, and diligently practiced yoga every day. 6 months later, she is walking with a straight back like a brand new person, looking and feeling years younger than what she was. 


Even memory loss can be reversed if you exercise your brain and feed it with good nutrition. 


So the key is, if you take good care of your health, there is no reason why you need to live in pain and suffering. 


Fact is, when you are in pain, you are not the only person who suffers. The people around you suffers with you, emotionally and financially. And if you are only in your 50’s and 60’s, you may well have another 30 to 40 years to live in pain. Is that how you want to live? Is that how you want your family to live?


Next time, we’ll talk about another health myth.

Till Next time, Love what you live and Live what you love

PS: We have a brand new ebook out called ‘Gut Matters’ that goes deeper into the issue of our gut and the action steps that we can take to repair our gut and bring our bodies back to an optimal, healthy state.

This ebook is free for you to download and all you have to do is follow the link below and we will send you a copy.

Download the ebook now

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We are not medical doctors. This blog is not intended to diagnose medical condition, or replace your health care provider. The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your personal physician before starting any fitness or exercise program or changing dietary habits. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services or counsel provided by medical professionals. However, we do hope to inspire you to become healthier, more self sufficient, and more aware of options.