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Defining your New Normal 20 - 2022 Predictions

#2022 #finances #goals #success Jan 06, 2022

Hi. I am Minna and welcome to our blog on designing your new life. It is becoming clear that the old normal is never coming back and the new normal is becoming a reality. The good news is that because it is new, now is the time for you to actually design YOUR new normal. You can actually choose to reshape your life and redesign your future. The old ways was the normal way, but it wasn't working for many of us. You may have had your dreams and goals crushed by the harsh reality before, but now you can actually reach your dreams and goals, getting what you want, and live the way you choose to live. With the new normal, you can choose to live in a new reality.


Now that we are into the new year. How do you think 2022 will look like for you?


My predictions. Your 2022, will look pretty much like 2021. And I am 95% sure of it.


Why? It's not because there will be yet another variant the keeps us apart. Not because they are political changes or another shut down or whatever.


Your 2022, will look pretty much like 2021 Because your 2021 probably looked very similar to your 2020. You probably lived in the same place, talk to the same people, make the same amount of money, eat the same food, shop at the same store.


Have you make a new years resolution, only to drop it a few weeks later because it is too hard to change? I'm not here to tell you how to keep your new years resolution. I am here to tell you that, if you fall into the 95% of the people, then your life will look just about the same.


On the other hand. If you are the other 5%. If you choose the red pill. Then your life can be very different. If you choose the red pill, you are opening up to a whole new reality where everything you want is possible. Where you are the hero.


So for 2022, don't just make another useless new years resolution. Take the red pill and join us in our Foco Daily program. It will transform you into your new reality and design the new life that you truly desire.

"Sign up" to be on our VIP list to be notified when we launch our "FOCO Daily program."


Until Next time Love What you Live and Live what you love


Make sure that you follow us on our Facebook page because as we work together, next year is going to be the best year of your life.


We believe that whole life success means a balance of work, health, relationship, finances and contributions. We help you achieve total success through nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle. If you know someone who can benefit from this blog, share with them. Let them know that you care about them. And of course, leave us any comments below. We love to hear from you.



We are not medical doctors. This blog is not intended to diagnose medical condition, or replace your health care provider. The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your personal physician before starting any fitness or exercise program or changing dietary habits. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services or counsel provided by medical professionals. However, we do hope to inspire you to become healthier, more self sufficient, and more aware of options.