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Innate Immunity vs Vaccinated Immunity

#2021 #covid #health #healthylifestyle #immunesystem Jun 03, 2021


Hi. We’re the Foolish Couple.  I am Andrew and Minna, Functional Nutrition Specialists and Success Coaches. We created Foco Academy to help people achieve whole life success by applying the Success Principles to the 3 areas of life that money can’t buy, that is, Health, Time, and Relationships.



Nowadays, what do you see in the headlines, when you watch the news, listen to the radio or on your Facebook or instagram feeds? It’s all about the pandemic right, either about how many cases there are weekly, who died from covid, potential long haul symptoms caused by covid or what new variant is coming that is going to be even more infectious and deadly. And that the only way to end this pandemic, to protect everyone around you is to get vaccinated to help build herd immunity. And that US has now vaccinated over 50% of the population and that’s why cases are falling around the country. 


All these news seems to be quite one sided right, you only hear the bad, but you don’t hear about the good.

The news certainly doesn’t show you how many people caught covid and recovered with no problems. They don’t tell you how many people caught the virus and didn’t even know that they had it.You don’t hear much about the the states that have lower vaccination rates and yet, instead of people dying from the virus, those states are also experiencing the same rates of decline in covid cases as those states that are much more widely vaccinated.


But I have not seen any of the media talk about why that is. What are your thoughts on this?



In my opinion, I think there are a few reasons that Main stream media doesn’t cover this.


  1. Negative news is Breaking news, no one cares about the people who had no symptoms, because it is not sensational news. But they freak out when they hear about new variant cases rising. Which comes to the second reason.


  1. Fear, if you start talking about the people that survived with no problems, there wouldn’t be a pandemic, there wouldn’t have been a reason to lockdown certain states, causing  businesses to close, people to lose their jobs or their homes,  countless people who are in depression and all the deaths from opioid use.


  1. And finally the third and most important reason, is that the so-called authorities actually have no clue how many people got covid and recovered naturally. Without knowing this number, there is no proof that covid cases are dropping in the US because of vaccinated immunity or Innate immunity.



So this brings us to the topic about immunity. Can you tell us more what is the difference between innate immunity vs vaccinated immunity. 



 In a nutshell, your body, when it is healthy, has the ability to heal itself when it is infected by a virus. This is your innate immunity.

And your innate immunity is comprised of two parts, your innate immune system and your adaptive or acquired  immune system. Your innate immune system is your first line of defense, attacking any foreign invaders. When a foreign invader, an antigen, say the Covid 19 virus is introduced to your body, your body has natural killer cells and other cells that seek them out and destroy them.


Your adaptive or acquired immune system is the system that will give us the memory to fight off the same offending antigen or virus when it tries to attack us a second, third or fourth time. It does this by making a specific antibody to the antigen, the virus, and when this virus is seen again, it will signal your body to attack it.


Vaccinated immunity is only trying to take advantage of the second part of your innate Immune system, the adaptive or acquired Immune system, by introducing antibodies into your body and hoping that these antibodies will illicit a response for your body to attack the foreign invaders or the covid virus.



So let me understand this. And this is going to date me. Remember the video game Pac-Man? Your Innate immune system is like the game Pac-man. The Pac-man is like your natural killer cells chasing and gobbling the ghost which would be the foreign invader or the covid virus.


Your Adaptive or acquired immune system basically tags the ghost that the Pac-man ate and remembers them. If these same ghost or virus appears again, it sends our new pac-man or natural killer cells to kill them.


On the other hand, for a vaccinated immunity, you are getting a shot with antibodies that you hope will recognize the ghost and have the ability to eat the ghost. Is that correct?



 That is exactly it.

But things have changed with vaccinated immunity protocol specific to the Covid virus, which can potentially lead to further complications towards your innate immunity and possible more deaths and Covid infections from future Covid virus variants?



Can you expand on that? Does this have to do with the different vaccines that are available right now? 



That is correct, there are two types of vaccines that are being administered to the general public now. The more traditional viral vector vaccines, which are very similar to the flu vaccines in the past.

The other one is the new mRNA vaccines that have never been approved in the past and have no testing for long term health effects.


In my opinion, the viral vector vaccines are very similar to past flu vaccines, which had many years of testing, so you can have an idea what long term effects it may have.


In the past, all vaccines are tested for 6-10 years before they are approved for the general population. And testing always start with animals before they go to human trials to log long term effects. 


The mRNA vaccines skipped animal testing and went straight into human testing which is unheard of because of the emergency use authorization by the CDC. Technically, they have been only tested for 3-6 months in clinical 1 and 2 studies. 


All vaccines should start with animal testing in the clinical 1 trials and somehow the mRNA vaccine skipped this very first step. This should be of concern to everyone taking a mRNA vaccines because past clinical trials with any mRNA vaccines on animals lead to long term health problems and even death. 


Usually, clinical 3 trials are on humans for a few years before a vaccine is deemed safe for the general public which will give you the list of potential side effects and long term health risks before a vaccine is approved and released to the public. If you notice for all drugs, there is always warnings of potential long term side effects, but thes mRNA vaccines don’t list these long term effects.


So  people that has taken the mRNA vaccine are basically being the guinea pigs for the Clinical 3 trials. Nobody knows what long term effects they will have. They could lead  to autoimmune diseases, chronic degenerative diseases and even problems with fertility. No one knows and we will not know until years later. There is no drug in the world that has no long term health side effects. 



 I think I am speaking for many people that I sure don’t want to be a lab rate to some clinical trial and it is really scary that you won’t see the full impact of the vaccine until 5 or even 10 years later. It’s kind of like glyphosate right, whey they first started using glyphosate, people thought it was a godsend right, killing weeds so effectively. But of course now we are seeing multiple class action lawsuits about how glyphosate is killing people left right and center.


 I wonder if the people who took the vaccine were fully aware of the risk. All you hear is CDC promoting them as safe and effective. The media even go as far as saying that they are ”following the science”, when in fact the you won’t even know the science until many years later. 


For us, we tend to be skeptical about whatever the authority and the media is saying, and we often try to look for both sides of the argument and then we can decide for ourselves what we think is right.


Why don’t you share how we followed the science and why we chose our natural Innate immunity over vaccinated immunity.



 Of course, I still remember the first time I heard about the spread and lockdown in Wuhan. I was still working at the the YMCA as a health Coach and I remember discussing about my travel plans with one of the members there. I told her to put off her travel plans as I knew that it would get to the US at some point.


As most people were concentrating on the amount of people that died there and the rate of infection, it seemed that no one was asking the right questions.



What was the right questions?



No one was asking why some people died, while others survived. No one was following the science as to what group of people died and what was common in those that survived. No one was asking about those that got covid and what gave them a higher probabilities of survival vs those that got covid and died. 


All this information was available as scientist in China was handling the pandemic. Most of the data was not shared in social media but it was published for the general public to view over the several months after the outbreak started in January. 


There was also a lot of data from the Diamond cruise ship that was quarantined for months in Japan when it had a covid outbreak on board. This is the only recorded incidence to date that had everyone tested onboard for covid. Even in the confined quarters of a cruise ship, only 697 out of 3711 people including the crew was tested positive. Of the 697, 328 were asymptotic , meaning had no symptoms and out of the 697 people infected, only 7 people died. Of the 7 people that died, they were all 70 and over. 



So out of a total of 3700 people in very confined living conditions and with no quarantine, no mask, many common areas that people shared, interacting with each other, there was only 697 people that actually caught Covid and out of that only 7 people died and they were all over 70 years old. So even with the crowded conditions only about 18% got infected and only about 1% died . The ones that died were all over 70. Than means that survive rate is 99% even if you are over 70, if my math is right.



 Yes, that should be the first sign that the virus is not as deadly as Main Stream Media wanted you to believe.

Early studies in China also showed that those that got covid and recovered or that had no symptoms had O blood type while those more susceptible had AB blood types. This was later confirmed in Studies in US months later.


Also on August 26, 2020 CDC released ground breaking data that showed only 6% of the total covid 19 related deaths in the US had Covid 19 as the sole cause of death. The remaining 94% had 2.6 co-morbidities or health conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney failure, etc. that contributed to their deaths. 


The CDC also released the survival rates for different age groups throughout the pandemic and these rates have not changed much since march 2020 till now. Data over 14 months which should show you the trends on really how dangerous the virus is.


Here are the updated survival rates straight from the CDC



 So that means if you are under 19 you only have a 0.003% chance of dying, if you are 20-49, you have a 0.02% chance of dying, 50-69 a 0.5% chance of dying and if you are 70+ a 5.4% chance of dying.

That make total sense as you get older, your immune system is not as robust. 



Not only that , remember the 2.6 co-morbidities to raise your chances of dying. So if you are healthy with no co-morbidities, your chances of dying are even lower, and that explains once again why the 70+ group had a higher mortality rate as not only is your immune system can get weaker as you age, but also most people over 70 has at least one or more chronic health problems. 


Looking at the science, these were the main reasons why we were never afraid of the Covid 19 from the get go. Both of us have Blood type O and live a healthy lifestyle, monitoring all our health metrics, genetic markers constantly and we had no known underlying health conditions. 


As the Bay Area started  rolling out lockdowns from county to county, we were traveling around to other counties that remained open. Over the pandemic, I  constantly tested for Covid antibodies every 4-6 weeks since April 2020 to monitor if we got Covid. Up until December 2020, I was still testing negative for covid antibodies even though we were going out all the time while everyone was staying at home in fear.


When California enforced the total lockdown in California, that was sign for us to leave to somewhere that had more freedom and was following the science. It wasn’t  until we moved to Texas and went out everyday, being around people,  that we finally got tested positive for covid with barely any symptoms. 



We often call ourselves foolish. We secretly chose to catch covid so that our bodies can naturally fight it off. And there is many benefits of natural Innate immunity over vaccines immunity. Why don’t you share what science is starting to show as more research is done for those that recovered naturally from covid as those that recover from vaccines.




Yes this is very exciting, and been at the back of my mind along with countless functional doctors, nutritionist and scientist since Covid-19 broke out in China. Your innate ability to fight viruses is so much stronger than any vaccine.


Latest published studies done in Israel, which during the time had the highest rate of Vaccinated population showed some interesting results. They tested people that got covid that  recovered naturally though their innate immune system vs those that got the mRNA vaccine.

Those that recovered naturally got covid antibodies as expected. For those that got the mRNA vaccines, there was a higher number of antibodies for the  specific variant it was designed for. 


That’s good news for the mRNA vaccine right?

Not exactly, when they tested those that recovered naturally with a new covid variant, the body's innate immune system kicked in right away sending natural killer cells to kill the new variants.

There is a hypothesis and more and more studies starting to show that those exposed to different forms of corona viruses has the natural ability to kill them when new variants appear. 


However, for those that got the mRNA vaccine, there was no response from the natural innate immune system. There was no natural killer cells observed for those that got vaccinated by the mRNA vaccine.

What that means is that the mRNA response is overriding the body’s natural response to fight different variants of the virus.

Recently, one of the most highly ranked and talented vaccine creators in the world is speaking out about the mRNA vaccines on linkedin. Dr Geert Vanden Bossche is predicting that the new mRNA vaccines is overriding the body’s natural immune system to fight future variants of the Covid virus, and if more people get vaccinated with these vaccines it is going to cause a greater real pandemic when our body’s natural immune system no longer works against future variants potentially killing more people. you can read more about what he has to say here.


I think the mRNA vaccine manufacturer’s know this, but rather than telling you the truth, they tell you that you will need booster shots in the future. Scientist has already said that the corona virus is not going away and expect new variants every year like the flu.

This means once you get a mRNA vaccine, you may need to get a booster shot for every new variant that comes for the rest of your life.




Now of course this is just us following the science, the research that is out there if you look for it, the information that is not shared on main stream media.


We are not suggesting that you intentionally get infected with Covid or not to get vaccinated. All we are doing, is to give you the information so that you can make an informed decision about your own body. It really is about risk and return.


If you are healthy and under 70, you have over 99% chance of beating the coronavirus. And your chances of beating the virus increases as you get healthier and your immune system stronger. Knowing this, why aren’t more people doing something to improve their health? Why isn’t main stream media promoting more ways to improve your health?



Let’s leave you with one last thought, what changes have you done if any since march 2020 that has improved your health. If you haven’t done any changes, what is stopping you. At the end of the day, if you are not healthy, you could develop chronic conditions which can increase your risk of dying from covid -19, and any future viruses that come your way.


Until Next time Love What you Live and Live what you love


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We are not medical doctors. This blog is not intended to diagnose medical condition, or replace your health care provider. The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your personal physician before starting any fitness or exercise program or changing dietary habits. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services or counsel provided by medical professionals. However, we do hope to inspire you to become healthier, more self sufficient, and more aware of options.