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Grumpy, Stingy Genie?

aladdin health wealth wish Jun 01, 2019

<Foco's 2-minute Blogs on Success>

We're pleased to be the recipient of the Best of Newark Award in the Nutrition and Success Coach category 4 years in a row. 

To celebrate with our fans, we will be delivering more concise, mini-blogs every weekend that showcases our success blueprint.

The focus of our mini-blogs is on Time and Health, the 2 things that cannot be bought in life. 



Imagine this. You are sick, and you are broke. The only free exercise you can get is to walk along the beach. You go to the beach and start walking. With your luck, high tide comes in and your feet get wet. But, wait, what’s that? Something shiny  washes up the beach and lands right at your feet.


You bend down and pick it up. It looks like an antique. Maybe it’s worth something, but it's so filthy that you rub it with your hand to get a better look. And “POOF”. A genie comes out.



But not the genie that you see in the movies. This one is grumpy, and stingy. Instead of the typical 3 wishes, this genie only offers you ONE WISH.


Now. You are sick, and you are broke. What do you wish for?


Do you choose to restore your health? Or do you wish for money and gold?



Depending on your answer, I can pretty much predict your future, in the next 3,5,10 years.


Here’re my predictions:


  1. If you wish for money and riches, in 3 to 5 years, your health will get worse. First, you get FLC syndrome (feel like crap). But as the years go by, you'll become so sick that you are stuck in your bed. You can't travel and you can’t play with your kids. And then you rack up extensive medical bills, in prescriptions, medical procedures, dialysis, chemotherapy, and other medical treatments. A simple eczema treatment can cost you $4000 a month. That’s just a start.


  1. On the other hand, if you wish to be healthy instead, miracles will happen. As you become stronger and more energetic,  your brain gets clearer and you can focus.  You will perform so much better at work and in your own business. You are sharper, brighter, funnier, and generally more likable. Not only will you be more successful in your career and your business, you will also have more friends and generally be happier.


So here’s what’s going to happen. If you choose for money, eventually, you will lose it all. But if you choose for health, the wealth will come along and stay with you. There is a direct correlation between health, and wealth. The healthier you are, the wealthier you are.


Sadly, about 80% of the people would choose to be wealthy, but sick. Sick to the point that you cannot enjoy the money. Yet, in their bleak future, they will rack up medical bills so high that they will be broke again.


Do you agree with my predictions? Leave me your comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

Until next time, love what you live, and live what you love.