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Relationship Olympics

#functionalfitness #healthlifestyle #immunesystem #longevity #wellbeing Aug 09, 2021

Hi. I’m Andy and I’m Minna, founders of Foco Academy, functional health and wellness coaches. As the world starts to wake up to the new normal, a lot has changed so we are also tweaking the focus of our messaging on how to get ahead in this new environmental, this new world. We are still focusing on time, health, and relationships and we are still utilizing the same set of success principles. The good news is, the success principles will always work for you if you work the principles. 


Last year when the pandemic hit and many of us were asked to stay home, we’ve heard a lot of complaints. How they’ve missed hanging out with friends, how they cannot celebrate birthdays, weddings were postponed, businesses were struggling, blah blah blah.

While these are all valid issues that we all faced during the shut down, rarely do we hear about something good that came out of the pandemic.


Before we go any further, this video is not exactly PG, so if you are under 19, you may want to skip this one out for the future.


Let me ask you this, for the better part of the year, most of us were working from home, what was the one thing that you enjoyed the most?


I hope your answer is not binge watching Netflix!


But regardless of what your answer is, if you have a significant other, then I hope that your answer is somewhere along the lines of spending quality time with your loved one. 


When I say quality time, I mean the one activity that you two can do together that is going to improve your health and increase your longevity! 


Yes! I mean getting it on, doing the funky monkey, the horizontal tango, getting lucky or just making love.


Before the pandemic, we tend to fill our days with work, hanging out with friends, that we barely have any time and energy left for your significant other. During the most of last year and this year, you two are practically together 24/7. You have all the time in the world. 


At least the time between working and zooming, shopping on Amazon, online grocery and meal ordering and of course Netflixing. Don’t tell me you don’t have time to schedule in some “Nooky Time”.


There is so much taboo about talking about making love, but having sex isn’t just about pro-creating to have kids. Having sex can actually improve your health and reverse aging in three important ways.


  1. Making love can increase your functional mobility. We talked about functional mobility in a previous blog on the S-R-T test. Functional mobility and strength is important as we age, it’s the range of movement our joints have and the ability to do everyday things to live such as climbing, lifting, crouching and swimming. And guess what, getting some workouts in by “getting Lucky” can not only maintain your range of functional movement but in certain cases can even improve your range of motion and functional strength if you are adventurous with different positions. Why are some 60-70, even 80 year olds so fluid in the way they move, requiring no walkers or canes to walk and sit up or down, looking much younger than their age? Maybe they have a healthy Sex life at home. Kama Sutra anyone?


  1. Making Love makes you smarter…. We talked about Neurobics a couple weeks back and how it can make you smarter by constantly teaching your brain new tricks by doing different things to make your brain make new connections. Like brushing your teeth with your left hand if you are right handed, taking different routes to work, closing your eyes when you eat to really smell the aroma of your food, the texture of the food and the taste of the food. These all boost your brain to make new connections to make you smarter. Novelty- the thrill of the new- plays a central row in sexual arousal. Especially in a long term relationship or marriage, sex may have gotten old and boring. So think of exciting new things to do during lovemaking to make each time with one’s partner a new adventure. Use your imagination, using blindfolds, silk lingerie, silk bedsheets, rose petals on the bed, romantic music, massage with perfumed oils or even champagne and strawberries. Keeping the brain constantly learning and trying new things makes new brain connections keeping you mentally fit as you age! For inspiration watch “Fifty Shades of Gray”


  1. With the pandemic, people are more stressed out now than ever before. Stress raises adrenaline and cortisol in our bodies so we are constantly in a fight or flight mode. This can lead to high blood pressure and negative thinking which can lead to anxiety, depression and Opioid addiction. Lovemaking is a great stress reducer, which can lower your blood pressure and improve your heart rate variability. I will take making love over blood pressure lowering drugs any day!  When you are having sex, feel good hormones are released. Oxytocin or the love hormone is released during sexual arousal and it’s a natural pain reliever.  Endorphins are also released, which is a natural stress reliever that can soothe migraines, joint pains and even menstrual cramps.Endorphins also stimulates your immune system. So lovemaking can help your fight diseases and viruses which is so important right now right? For women, estrogen is released during lovemaking which gives you that glow woman have after sex by promoting collagen production to have healthier and smoother skin. For men when testosterone is released, it triggers a feeling of relaxation and positive energy which boost their mood and relives their stress. And finally Serotonin is released which make you feel calm and satisfied. Serotonin is the natural mode enhancer to beat depression and is way better than taking prozac. So rather than binge watching Netflix or hitting the gym to relax and relieve stress, maybe next time dim the lights, light some candles and get romantic.


To Summarize, lovemaking can keep you stay young by Improving your functional mobility, sharpen your mind, boost your immune system and help you fight depression, anxiety and stress. Women will look younger and more attractive, while men will be look and feel more confident with themselves. If you are in a relationship, can you see why it is important to schedule in your Nooky time now?


Until Next time Love What you Live and Live what you love


Make sure that you follow us on our Facebook page because as we work together, next year is going to be the best year of your life.


We believe that whole life success means a balance of work, health, relationship, finances and contributions. We help you achieve total success through nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle. If you know someone who can benefit from this blog, share with them. Let them know that you care about them. And of course, leave us any comments below. We love to hear from you.



We are not medical doctors. This blog is not intended to diagnose medical condition, or replace your health care provider. The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your personal physician before starting any fitness or exercise program or changing dietary habits. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services or counsel provided by medical professionals. However, we do hope to inspire you to become healthier, more self sufficient, and more aware of options.