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Which type of people are you?

health success wealth May 17, 2019

<Foco's 2-minute Blogs on Success>

We're pleased to be the recipient of the Best of Newark Award in the Nutrition and Success Coach category 4 years in a row. 

To celebrate with our fans, we will be delivering more concise, mini-blogs every weekend that showcases our success blueprint.

To start off, here's a couple of questions for all of you:

Are you the type of person who would trade your Time for Money (in addition to your job, do you scrub your own toilets, wash your own laundry, mow your own lawn, and do other chores that you don't enjoy doing, because you'd rather do it yourself than pay someone to do the chores)?

Or are you the type of person who would trade Money for Time (hire people to cut your grass, wash your car, clean your house, answer customer service calls, etc) because you realize that your time is worth more than what you are paying for their services?

Which type of people do you think are more successful, wealthy, and healthy?

Which type of people do you think are happier with their lives, have better relationships with their family, and makes a bigger impact to their community?

Write your answer in the comments below. 

Our 2 cents:

Successful people are fully aware of how much they are worth. They know their hourly rate. For example, if you make $100 per hour, and you used up an hour of your time to wash your car, then you've just spent $100 washing your own car. 

Therefore, the more successful you are, the more you are willing to delegate the low-value, low-satisfaction tasks to other people who may actually enjoy doing those tasks.

Successful people are well aware of the 2 things that they cannot buy with any amount of money in the world:

Time and Health. 

Do you agree?