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Our 5-Day Water Fasting Experience - Part 3 of 4

diet fasting health Aug 21, 2018

Welcome to Foolish Insights. We are the Foolish Couple, Andrew and Minna, nutrition coaches and success mentors. We created FoCo Academy to guide and mentor people to achieve true health and healthy relationships through nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle changes.

We’ve been talking about our experience with water fasting, so this time, we’ll tell you how we prepared for the fast and how to make things a little more tolerable.


Approximately 6 weeks before we water fast, we started to change our diet. We cut all types of rice out of our diets. No white rice, brown rice, red rice, black rice. We also cut pasta, pastries, breads, and finally we tapered off on our desserts.

The more carbs you eat before you fast, the harder your cravings will be. So it is always a good idea to start to eat clean at least a month before you water fast.


And, of course, make sure you clean up your pantry and your fridge. Anything that is bad for you, get rid of it or put it away so that when you are fasting, and your hunger strikes, you won’t just reach out for that bag of chips or oreo cookies that is sitting in your pantry.


Having junk food easily accessible is like a siren’s call. They are just there calling for you to consume them. (Tweet this)

So the cleaner your pantry and fridge is, the easier it would be for you.


And, as we have mentioned last time, it is a good idea to clear your social calendars during these few days. Don’t meet up for lunch, coffee, snacks, because it is really difficult to not eat anything at all when the people around you is chomping away. The smell of fresh bread, the sound of people eating chips, and the sight of ice cream will be irresistible for you.


Instead of socializing, make a long list of things that you should be doing. Gather a stack of books and magazines to read, a bunch of things on your to do list, clean your garage, manage your paperwork. There’s always something to do and these few days is probably the best time for you to lay back, stay focused and get these things out of the way.



What type of water should you drink?


We also get the question of what type of water to drink. As long as the water is clean it is good. We have a reverse osmosis filter installed so that’s the water I drank. Sparkling water and cold water may upset your stomach. So it may help to actually drink warm water with a little bit of salt because salt gives you the electrolytes and the warm water actually settles your stomach.


I carry around a thermos with warm water that is just a pinch of salt in it, and I sip on that all day long. I think that actually worked really really well.


It also helps to take baths. Make sure the water temperature is not too hot because while you are fasting, your body is more sensitive to heat and cold. I added my own bath salts to help with my body detox and also to calm my nerves.


I also spent a lot of time watching documentaries on TV about health, diets and fats and watching those documentaries helped to remind me why I was water fasting and it helped me curb my hunger.


If it helps, put up a sign on your fridge and pantry. Something that says DO NOT OPEN or DON”T TOUCH THE DOOR or whatever will prevent you from opening that pantry door or fridge door would be good.


You will be amazed at how much time you have on your hand when you don’t have to spend time buying food, preparing food, eating food, and cleaning up after your eat. I spend that time learning new things, taking online classes, read up on new articles. You can decide on how to best use your time.


In our next episode, we will tell you how to come out of your water fast.  

Till Next Time Love what you live and live what you love.

To watch episode 1, click here

To watch episode 2, click here

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