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Cold Water Thermogenesis

cold thermogenesis health insulin sensitivity longevity Oct 28, 2019


It's Andrew from the Foolish Couple.

As fall officially rowed in September 1st, most people close off their pools for next summer.

As you can see my pool is super clean and it’s this time of year that I actually do the most swimming when the water gets colder and colder.


A lot of you may not know, but I do have degenerative arthritis that is particularly bad in fall and winter as temperatures drop, and that is one of the reasons I refuse to travel back to Vancouver or any other place that is cold for that matter for the next few months.


And anyone with arthritis can tell you how their joints hurt more when it gets cold.


But there is a saying in Chinese, to use “poison to fight Poison” and that is what I do during fall and winter, and that is to swim in cold water to help with my arthritis.


Swimming in cold water or Cold Thermogenesis has the benefits to reduce inflammation and to  boost recovery. And oddly enough a long enough soak followed by a hot shower works wonders for my arthritis in my back and my knees.



There's alot of scientific research that shows cold thermogenesis can also cause significant increases in metabolism and calorie burning, can increase insulin sensitivity and help control blood glucose levels, help with sleep, and potentially fight certain types of cancer as well as promote overall longevity and to look younger. Now who doesn't want to look and feel younger?


So let me ask you this, what are you doing to increase your longevity and to boost your body's ability to naturally heal itself? Are you using any forms of cold thermogenesis like cold water swims or baths to boost your longevity. 

Share your thoughts below. 


I am going to start swimming now as the water is pretty cold just standing around. 


Till next time love what you live and live what you love

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