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Travel Tips for the Holidays

family health supplementation travel Dec 15, 2019

[We are the Foolish Couple, Andy and Minna, founders of the Foco Academy. We focus on mentoring and teaching the Success Principles and how to apply the principles to the 3 areas of life that money can’t buy: Health, Time, and Love Relationship.] 


We’re on the last stretch of the year and many of you may be planning on traveling somewhere, whether it is to go back to your family or to visit a new place. While the holidays may be joyful and happy, your travel plans can sometimes stress you out.


This is also the season where many people tend to get sick. During the Winter season, your immune system tends to be a little weaker, and the holiday plans increases your stress level which also makes you easier to get sick, especially if your travel plans involves being stuck in a plane full of people with germs.


So, in this blog, we hope to ease your stress a little bit this holiday season by giving you our holiday travel tips. We’ve certainly done our fair share of travel over the years, both for work and for pleasure, and we understand that it can be a challenge to eat healthy and maintain our sleep habits.


Travel plans is all about the planning. Before we visit a new place, we like to check out their food options. We both enjoy different cuisines and we are pretty adventurous to try different things. But we also have some key principles that we stick with.


One of these principles is that we try to eat whole, real foods as much as possible. We love to try fresh local fish, seafood, meats, vegetables, fruits, coffee, and even chocolates.

Depending on the country they may not label the food as organic or GMO or whatever because they have different regulations. So just be mindful of the quality of food you put into your mouth. Things that came in a bag or a can or a tube, you can try them, but do it in moderation. Remember it is an experience. So, don’t overdo it.


When you travel you tend to eat out a lot. So do your research. These days with Yelp and Trip Advisor and many other sites, you can get pretty good recommendations on restaurants and food options. Of course, you can also shop at local grocery markets which often carry fresh, local produce. When we traveled to an Asian country or to South America, we often found fruits that are super delicious that we have never seen before.


Also, make a packing list of things that keeps you healthy. You may want to bring your workout gear with you if your hotel has a gym. If you don’t have access to a gym, you can always download a workout or yoga app on your phone and do that in your room. Even without any gym equipment, you can always get a decent workout using just your body weight.

Email us or leave a comment below with your email if you want a simple but effective exercise program that you can do anywhere without any gym equipment.


Of course, bring your supplements, and make sure you take those during your travel. Your immune system tends to be compromised when you are travelling so it is even more important to stay on your multi-vitamins and supplements.

We would also suggest that you bring some probiotics with you. For me, I don’t go anywhere without my digestive enzymes. When we go to different countries, our digestive system may not adapt to the local microbiomes and cause us to have upset stomach. My digestive enzymes have saved my stomach many, many times and I swear by it.


Also, bring a water bottle with you and make sure that your bottle is BPA free. I love my hydro flask even though it is kind of expensive. Most airports now have water fountains so you can fill your bottle with fresh clean water and don’t have to pay for it. For me, I bring my hydrogen tabs with me because it gives me that extra boost, health benefits and keeps my energy level up. Make sure to stay hydrated during your trip.


What else do we pack? we like to take some organic green tea bags with us so that we can have some clean, calming tea at night. For mornings, we usually don’t go out for breakfast unless it is a place that we want to try. Instead, we bring our protein packs and mix it with our vitamin C packs to keep our immune system strong. 


For snacks, you can bring some clean protein bars, kale chips and nuts. We get it, sitting in a plane for hours can be boring and you want to munch on something. Keeping a healthy snack in your carry-on bag such as kale chips and nuts will keep you satisfied without eating junk.


The hardest part about traveling is often your sleep. You are in a different bed, a different pillow, maybe a different time zone and getting quality sleep may not be easy. We track our sleep quality with our Oura rings, so we are aware of how well we slept overnight. To help you sleep better, you may consider bringing some melatonin with you. Melatonin is not a sleeping pill, so you won’t get addicted to it. It just helps you stay deeper in sleep so you are more restful. You may also want to try downloading some sleep music with you, or do some meditation and breathing exercises before you sleep. And of course, try to keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and slightly cool.


For all the Nutritional supplements that we talked about,  we only trust and use one brand and that is Usana, and you can check them out in the link provided here.


Traveling should be fun and happy and memorable. Nobody wants to get sick during the holidays. We hope these healthy travel tips will help you stay healthy over the holidays so that you come back refreshed, happy, and ready to start the new year.

Stay tuned for some exciting news coming up before the end of the year, that can change your life for the new year!


Happy Holidays!


Until next time, Love What You Live, and Live What You Love.

 If you are experiencing brain fog, weight loss resistance, digestive problems, hormone dysregulation, muscle and joint pains, and many other chronic problems, the underlying cause to your problems may be due to toxins and heavy metals that are in your body. If you want to find out more about the effects of heavy metal and toxins in your body and what you can do about it, sign up here for our upcoming True Cellular Detox Webinar!


We believe that healthy relationships start with health and we help couples achieve total success in health and in relationships through nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle. If you know someone who can benefit from this blog, share with them. Let them know that you care about them. And of course, leave us any comments below. We love to hear from you.


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We are not medical doctors. This blog is not intended to diagnose medical condition, or replace your health care provider. The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your personal physician before starting any fitness or exercise program or changing dietary habits. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not a substitute for a medical exam, nor does it replace the need for services or counsel provided by medical professionals. However, we do hope to inspire you to become healthier, more self sufficient, and more aware of options.