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Chronically Healthy Life: Surviving 'Crankypants': Dealing with Difficult People S2 Ep39 Jun 07, 2024

  Hold onto your biohacking hats, folks!

On this week's chronically healthy life show, we're throwing out the old adage "Never give up! Never surrender!" and flipping it on its head. Because...

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Mind Body Connection 2 - What Self-fullfilling Prophecy are You Creating for Yourself Apr 08, 2022
On today's 2nd episode on The Mind Body Connection Series, special guest Crystal Hinton, Thetahealer and RN shares with us how negative and positive thoughts affect our lives and our...
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Defining you New Normal 8 - Abundance Sep 21, 2021

Hi. I’m Minna, co-founders of Foco Academy, functional health and wellness coaches. As the world starts to wake up to the new normal, a lot has changed so we are also tweaking the focus of...

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3 Keys to Finding Certainty in Uncertain Times Nov 27, 2020

/*Minna and Andy are the co-founders of Foco Academy, where you can subscribe to online courses that will boost your performance, productivity, health and longevity for both your...

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