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ChL - Bio-Hacking Tip 73 : Water-Water Everywhere- 5 Day Water Fast Adventure Aug 23, 2024

 Hey everyone, it’s Andy from Chronically Healthy Life! We’re wrapping up our Inflammo-Geddon Bio-hacking series, and today’s star is the 5-day water fast—aka "The...

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ChL - Bio-Hacking tip 71 - Why Cold Plunges Are the Coolest Way to Fight Inflammation Aug 10, 2024


Hey everyone, it’s Andy with this week’s Inflammo-geddon Bio-hacking episode! Today, we're diving into a frosty topic that’ll chill you to the bone – literally!


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CHL - Bio-Hacking Tip 70 : CBC with Differential - The Ultimate Health Detective Squad! Aug 03, 2024

 In today's episode of Inflammo-geddon Bio-hacking Series, we're diving into the world of the CBC with Differential blood test.  Think of the CBC as your body's report card, but...

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CHL Biohacking tip 64 - Lemongrass Mint Oxymel: The Coolest Thing Since Ice Cubes! Jun 15, 2024


This week on #Biohacking, Minna is here to level up your summer drinks!

Introducing our latest obsession: Lemongrass Mint Oxymel!

Not only does it taste like a breeze on a hot day, but...

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CHL: Biohacking tip 62 - Pomegranates: Nature's Sweet Superfood and DIY Juice Hack! May 25, 2024

 Hey biohackers! It's Andy with this week's tip: the mighty pomegranate! These red gems are nature's glitter bomb, bursting with juicy, ruby-red seeds that are packed with antioxidants and...

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CHL - Bio-Hacking Tip 61: 4 Thieves Vinegar: The Swiss Army knife of Condiments May 18, 2024

Why stop at just curing viral infections? Meet the ultimate multitasker: Four Thieves Vinegar!


This magical elixir doesn’t just kick viruses to the curb; it also moonlights as a...

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