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Chronically Healthy Life S2 Ep50 - Living With Invisible Conditions Aug 23, 2024

This week on *Chronically Healthy Life*, we're uncovering the truth about *Living with Invisible Conditions*. How do these sneaky conditions impact your life and why is a supportive loved one as...

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ChL - Bio-Hacking Tip 73 : Water-Water Everywhere- 5 Day Water Fast Adventure Aug 23, 2024

 Hey everyone, it’s Andy from Chronically Healthy Life! We’re wrapping up our Inflammo-Geddon Bio-hacking series, and today’s star is the 5-day water fast—aka "The...

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ChL - Bio-Hacking tip 71 - Why Cold Plunges Are the Coolest Way to Fight Inflammation Aug 10, 2024


Hey everyone, it’s Andy with this week’s Inflammo-geddon Bio-hacking episode! Today, we're diving into a frosty topic that’ll chill you to the bone – literally!


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CHL - Bio-Hacking Tip 70 : CBC with Differential - The Ultimate Health Detective Squad! Aug 03, 2024

 In today's episode of Inflammo-geddon Bio-hacking Series, we're diving into the world of the CBC with Differential blood test.  Think of the CBC as your body's report card, but...

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CHL - Bio-Hacking Tip 69- Are You Statin’ With the Wrong Lipid Test? Jul 27, 2024

 Welcome back to our Inflammo-geddon Bio-hacking series! I'm Andy, here with a quick disclaimer: we're not doctors, and everything we share is our opinion only. Always stick with your...

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CHL - Bio-Hacking Tip 68: Inflammo-geddon4 Spike Protein Showdown: Why You Keep Catching Covid Jul 20, 2024

Welcome back to our Bio-hacking Series: Inflammo-geddon! I'm your host, Andy, here to guide you through the fiery labyrinth of inflammation. If you missed our last episode where we talked about the...

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CHL Bio-Hacking Tip 67: CRP and Me: The Ultimate Bio-Hacker Bromance Jul 13, 2024

  Chronic inflammation alert! It’s like that one friend who crashes on your couch and never leaves. But don’t worry, bio-hackers! Today on **Inflammo-geddon!**, we’re...

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CHL - Bio-Hacking Tip 66: Inflammo-geddon 2 High Blood Sugar Alert! Jun 28, 2024

Hey Biohackers! Ready to tackle chronic inflammation?

This week, we're diving into the sugar swamp that is high blood sugar! ‍



Did you know our amazing human bodies can...

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CHL Biohacking tip 65 - Inflammo-geddon 1- Chronic Inflammation: The Drama Queen of Diseases! Jun 22, 2024

  **Inflammo-geddon Series Kickoff!**

"Hey, have you noticed your loved ones catching colds like it's their new hobby, dealing with health problems like it's a full-time job, and even getting...

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Chronically Healthy Life: Gracie's Healing Garden S2 Ep41 Jun 21, 2024

 Is it just us, or does it feel like everyone these days is dealing with some serious health issues?

From cancer to heart attacks, kidney to liver failures – it’s like chronic...

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CHL Biohacking tip 64 - Lemongrass Mint Oxymel: The Coolest Thing Since Ice Cubes! Jun 15, 2024


This week on #Biohacking, Minna is here to level up your summer drinks!

Introducing our latest obsession: Lemongrass Mint Oxymel!

Not only does it taste like a breeze on a hot day, but...

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CHL: Biohacking tip 62 - Pomegranates: Nature's Sweet Superfood and DIY Juice Hack! May 25, 2024

 Hey biohackers! It's Andy with this week's tip: the mighty pomegranate! These red gems are nature's glitter bomb, bursting with juicy, ruby-red seeds that are packed with antioxidants and...

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