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Success in the New Normal Part 2- Take 100% Responsibility for your Health Sep 13, 2020

 [The Foolish Couple are founders of the Foco Academy, nutrition specialists and success coaches. We focus on teaching Jack Canfield’s Success Principles and applying the principles to...

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What's Functional Health - Interview with Sandra Olszowka Functional Nutrition Specialist Jul 27, 2020

 [The Foolish Couple are founders of the Foco Academy, nutrition specialists and success coaches. We focus on teaching Jack Canfield’s Success Principles and applying the principles to...

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Boosting Your Immunity -4 Over-sanitizing Home may Lower Immunity Apr 18, 2020

[The Foolish Couple are founders of the Foco Academy, nutrition specialists and success coaches. We focus on teaching Jack Canfield’s Success Principles and applying the principles to the 3...

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Common Mistakes when Doing the Ketogenic Diet Jan 31, 2020

 [We are the Foolish Couple, Andy and Minna, founders of the Foco Academy. We focus on mentoring and teaching the Success Principles and how to apply the principles to the 3 areas of life that...

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Fountain of Youth Dec 31, 2019

[We are the Foolish Couple, Andy and Minna, founders of the Foco Academy. We focus on mentoring and teaching the Success Principles and how to apply the principles to the 3 areas of life that money...

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Do men Look Sexier as they Age? 7 Tips to Slow Down Aging. Part 4 Apr 24, 2019

HI I’m Andrew with the Foolish Couple.

 Do men look sexier as they age?

Well, if you have been following this blog, then you know that men can get sexier as they age, but only if they...

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Do Men Look Sexier as they Age? 7 Tips to Slow Down Aging. Part 2 Apr 10, 2019

Welcome back to the Foolish Review. I am Andy, and I have just celebrated my 49th birthday last week and for many of us, birthday is the time to review how our last year went and really get in...

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Demystifying Fats and the Truth about Sugars (Series) 5 of 6 Feb 12, 2019

Demystifying Fats Series - Day 5


We created this series called ‘Demystifying Fats’ because we grew up thinking that fats are fat. Fats makes us fat, and fat gives us high...

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Demystifying Fats and Truth About Sugars (Series) - 1 of 6 Jan 16, 2019

Hello. I am Andrew, This is my wife Minna, and we are the Foolish
Couple. Both of us have suffered through a variety of health issues, me
with my major accident that left me feeling like a 70 year...

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Who Do you Live For? Dec 05, 2018

Who Do You Live For?


The last couple of years has been particularly hard on us.

My father passed away due to complications from his Parkinson’s disease, which is something he had been...

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The 3 Pillars to Healthy Aging Oct 23, 2018

The 3 Pillars of Healthy Aging 


Hello. We are the Foolish Couple. We believe that healthy relationships start with health and we help couples achieve total success in health and in...

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4 ways to optimize your GUT (Part 4) - 4R's to optimizing Digestion Sep 14, 2018

What are the 4R’s to optimizing your digestion?


Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about today.


So far this week we have been quoting excerpts from our free...

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