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Demystifying Fats and Truth About Sugars (Series) - 1 of 6 Jan 16, 2019

Hello. I am Andrew, This is my wife Minna, and we are the Foolish
Couple. Both of us have suffered through a variety of health issues, me
with my major accident that left me feeling like a 70 year...

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Demystifying Fats Jan 08, 2019

HI I’m Andrew from the Foolish Couple.

We all have a father. Some of you may have a very good, close relationship with your father, but not me. For one reason or another, due to family drama...

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Minna's Experience with a 5-Day Water Fast Dec 29, 2018

***This blog was originally featured in Wellness Universe back in November, 2018. I'm republishing here because typically, at this time of year, after the holidays are over, the guilt sets in, that...

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Are you Normal or Optimal? Dec 13, 2018

 Are you Normal?

Growing up, I was a major superhero fan. Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman. The list goes on. Yet what is one common theme amongst all superheroes?

Yes. That’s right. They...

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Who Do you Live For? Dec 05, 2018

Who Do You Live For?


The last couple of years has been particularly hard on us.

My father passed away due to complications from his Parkinson’s disease, which is something he had been...

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Limiting Beliefs Nov 29, 2018

Hi. It is Andrew from the Foolish Couple. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving last weekend. For us, we didn’t actually had a turkey over the weekend. Minna and I went to Vancouver to...

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2 Questions you must answer before your holiday eating starts Nov 21, 2018

Hello. Welcome to the Foolish Couple's blog. If you have been following us for a while, you would know that we created the FoCo Academy to guide and mentor people to achieve true health and...

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Finding a better Wine - Dry Farmed Natural Wines Nov 13, 2018


Hello. Welcome to our blog. I am Andy. And this time, I am running solo without Minna. Minna and I have many things in common. Heck, we even share the same birthday, just so that we...

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The 3 Pillars to Healthy Aging - Part 3 Nov 06, 2018


The 3 Pillars of Healthy Aging - Part 3


Hello. We are the Foolish Couple. We believe that healthy relationships start with health and we help couples achieve total success...

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The 3 Pillars to Healthy Aging - Part 2 Oct 30, 2018


The 3 Pillars of Healthy Aging - Part 2


Hello. We are the Foolish Couple. We believe that healthy relationships start with health and we help couples achieve total success...

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The 3 Pillars to Healthy Aging Oct 23, 2018

The 3 Pillars of Healthy Aging 


Hello. We are the Foolish Couple. We believe that healthy relationships start with health and we help couples achieve total success in health and in...

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Are you an Underpant Gnome? Oct 03, 2018

Are you an Underpant Gnome?


We are the Foolish Couple, Andy and Minna. We believe that healthy relationships start with health and our goal is to help people achieve true health and healthy...

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