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How do OLYMPIANS fuel their bodies? Mar 04, 2018

Foolish Review 2018 – Week 9 – How do OLYMPIANS fuel their bodies?

Welcome to the Foolish Couple’s Sunday Review. Our work focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles and...

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10 Signs you are a work addict Feb 25, 2018

Are you addicted to work?

Addiction is generally a bad word. Most commonly used in relation to illegal substances, alcohol and gambling. It involves a compulsive need to something of substance. A...

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Lover? Friends? Roommates? Frenemies? Feb 18, 2018

We just celebrated our 30 years since we first went out on our first date. It brought back so many memories on what led up to how we met and even certain secrets we didn’t know about how we...

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An Introvert's Guide to making an Awesome First Impression Feb 11, 2018

This week, I was working on a new assignment, and I found myself in a position where I had to meet many new people, and quickly make a good impression with them so that we can work together...

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Too Busy to Eat Well? Here's how to fix a Broken Diet Feb 04, 2018

Welcome to the Foolish Couple’s insights. Our work focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles.

This week, our discussions revolve around being busy and how busy professionals stay healthy.


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Sunday Review Week 4 - No Good Deed Goes Un....... Jan 28, 2018

Welcome to the Foolish Couple’s Sunday Review. Our work focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles.

Every Sunday, we review what happened over the past week. Incidents that went well, we...

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Sunday Review - Week 3 - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Jan 21, 2018

Welcome to the Foolish Couple’s Foolish Review 2018. We are Health and Relationship coaches and success mentors, serial entrepreneur, writer, and co-founder of the Foolish Academy.


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Sunday Review - Week 2 - Get Comfortable Doing the Uncomfortable Jan 14, 2018

Once, there was a young martial arts student. He was at an Aikido dojo, and he watched his Sensei, his teacher, sparring with another accomplished fighter. He was very impressed and he walked up to...

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Science proves exercise alone won't help you lose much weight Jan 09, 2018

We are at that time of year where everyone is busy making New Years’ resolution. Sometimes, it’s the same resolution as last year, and the year before … Year after year, we...

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Billboards Hearts and Memories 1 Jan 07, 2018

Billboards Hearts and Memories is the Foolish Couple's 2018 New Year's Resolution. A wisdom, a learning, and a memory each week.

Welcome to the Foolish Couple’s Foolish Review 2018.


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Need a New Year's Resolution ideas? How about this? Jan 07, 2018

Foolish Insight, 2018-01-07

We are the Foolish Couple.  As Relationship success coaches and mentors, we give you all the information you need on building your meaningful, fulfilling, happy and...

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Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Dec 21, 2017


Hello. We are the Foolish Couple, and you are watching The Foolish Insights. We create these video blogs to give you a boost to your success, and it may be about your relationship, your...

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